Directions to Middle
Nene SC
Sat Nav users -
please use
NN14 4QL
which is actually the doctors surgery at
start of 'bumpy lane' mentioned below.
what3words: ///tech.ramps.glove
(this will take you to Gate 1 of the club compound)
Defibrillator location:
what3words: ///conga.claw.comic (this is outside the club compound with
access from the footpath, on the western side of the workshop building, opposite
the river moorings)
Coming from the west on
Exit A14 at junction 12 on to A6116 towards Corby.
After a few hundred yards, at mini roundabout, turn right towards Islip and
Go straight down the hill and over river bridge (don't turn into Islip) and then straight towards Thrapston centre.
Pass the Bridge Hotel (left) and a car dealership (right), cross the roundabout
and a few hundred years later turn left into Chancery Lane.
At the end of Chancery Lane turn left, by the sports field, into Meadow Lane
(note the small brown Sailboat signpost).
Past a doctor's surgery on the right, keep going down the narrow lane (beware
the speed bumps) and track
Pass a car park and
the Sea Cadets base on your right.
Go through large gate in front of you, then follow road round to Middle Nene SC.
Coming from the East on A14:
Leave the A14 (junction 13) at the A605 junction and turn right towards Peterborough.
At the next roundabout, turn left down Huntingdon Road into Thrapston centre.
Turn Right at lights (Oundle Road), then left into De Vere Road (note the small
brown sailboat sign.
Go straight on (where the road goes sharp left) and down Meadow Lane (See
above pictures) - you
will pass a public car park and the Sea Cadets base on your right.
Go through large gate in front of you, then follow road round to Middle Nene SC.
From Peterborough on A605
At roundabout on the outskirts of Thrapston, turn
Take the 4th right into De Vere Road (note the small brown
sailboat sign).
Go straight on (where the road goes sharp left)
and down Meadow Lane (See above pictures) - you will pass a public car park and the Sea Cadets on your right.
Go through large gate in front of you, then follow road round to Middle Nene SC.