The 2024 Season
Please note: The dates/events below may change. There will be many other activities spublished early in the year. So please keep an eye on the notice boards, Facebook Group, e-mail and this website so that you don’t miss out!

Private events: For the 2024 season, the kitchen, bar and club room are available for club members to book through the House Committee. No charge is made although a small fee is due if a bar licence is to be obtained from the council.

Events Calendar 2024
Sailing and Social

Mon 26th Aug         Edgar Cooper / Tony Wright Trophies

Sat 14h Sept           MNCC visit to us

Sat 5th Oct              Autumn Dinner

Sat 3rd Nov            Frostbite Series Starts

Sat 9th/
Sun 10th Nov
         Illusion/2.4R Open and Fireworks Party

Sat 14th Dec           Extravaganza

Sun 22nd Dec         Punch Party